GSWC Scout Shop

Our Scoutshop offers everything you need to keep our scouts dressed and "badged" like they deserve. Use the links below for the convenience of online ordering and setting up appointments for sewing services.

Location: 5841 Office Blvd NEAlbuquerque, NM 87109
Phone: 505-345-3256
Email:; Facebook:
Store Manager: Randy Vonderhaar
Open: M, W, F; 9-5 and Sat. 9-4

Current Promotions


In-House Sewing Services!

Keep your uniform looking sharp with our convenient sewing services!  Only $4.00 per patch!

Contact Randy Vonderhaar at 505-345-3256 or to make an appointment.

NOW HIRING:The High Desert Scout Shop is hiring! If you are interested in helping Scouts and Scouters find everything they need to have a great Scouting Journey, then the High Desert Scout Shop has the job for you! We are looking for a part-time sales associate who is able to work flexible hours and on Saturdays, 25% discount, work with fellow scouters and be part of the Scout Shop team. If you are interested, please contact Randy Vonderhaar at 505-345-3256 or or come by the Scout Shop and fill out an application!