The training will be presented at the Council Office if you desire to attend in person. Regardless of how you decide to participate, please register using the link below so we have an idea of how many to expect. Thanks!
Becoming an Eagle Scout is one of the mostchallenging yetrewarding things that you can achieve. You can excel at sports or shine in the arts. Hobbies that grab your attention at one age donot always remain interesting.Working through therequirements to become an EagleScout gives you invaluable experience in such a wide variety of fields of study and most of them allow for a hands-on interactionandnot just a lesson from a book. It will become an important part of your life that will remain forever.
Our goal within the Great Southwest Council is to better assist Life Scouts in their quest for Eagle andwe have established procedurestohelp in your understanding inmeeting National’s requirements according to the policies and guidelines as prescribed by the Boy Scouts of America.
This information in the links below serves as a guide isforboth the Life Scout and Scout leaders as they prepare to travel down the trail toward the attainment of the Eagle Scout rank. We want to share some of the words of wisdom that we have learned and that will help you on your journey. While working through these steps, a scout should share this information with hisScoutleadersto fully understand the procedure and ensure a smoothprocess. We want to give you the greatest help possible for your success.The Advancement Committee is here to help you and you can contact them with questions or needed assistance. .