Unit Service
A unit is the basic structure operated by a chartered organization to deliver the programs of Scouting America to youth members. Scouting America works with and through the chartered organization to serve youth.
Unit Service is the responsibility of the Council’s commissioner corps. The mission of unit service is to help units better serve more youth through Scouting. This is accomplished by providing unit leaders with a liaison, a unit commissioner, that can answer questions they may have, and serve as a conduit for information, training, and feedback to help the unit grow and prosper as it serves its youth. The concept of unit service focuses on the unit. The commissioner’s specific mission is to keep units operating at maximum efficiency so that they can deliver a good program to a growing youth membership. We know that we’ve achieved our goal when every member of Scouting America has a great Scouting experience!
Commissioners focus on these five primary areas of unit service:
- Supporting unit growth and retention through the journey to excellence.
- Making meaningful unit contacts that capture in commissioner tools their strengths, needs, and a unit service plan that enables continuing improvement.
- Linking unit needs to district operating committee and other resources.
- Supporting timely unit, district, and council charter renewals.
- Supporting unit leaders by delivering effective roundtables that provide program ideas, relationship development, and timely communication.
Commissioner's Newsletter