OA Forms

Campership Application

The Order of the Arrow promotes camping and, in this spirit, does not want any Scout or Venturer to miss the opportunity to attend a summertime camping or training program, offered by our Council and/or National Scouting America that provides a Scouting America camping and/or learning experience.

A Scout is Thrifty. Scouting America and the Order of the Arrow encourage every Scout to pay their own way to Scouting activities, as this philosophy supports one of the basic aims of Scouting. However, we realize that Scouts need a little extra help at times to participate.

The Yah-Tah-Hey-Si-Kess Lodge offers Camperships to registered youth members of the Great Southwest Council. Lodge Camperships may not be used for out-of-Council programs, other than National BSA sponsored programs


Scouting America Campership Application and Instructions

Cub Scout Campership Application and Instructions


Order of the Arrow Member Award Nomination Forms

The following forms are used to nominate members for the various lodge and national awards. These awards recognize members who have provided outstanding service to the lodge over the past year or several years.

The form is due to the Awards Committee by Saturday morning of the Fall Lodge Conclave or may be emailed to the Lodge Adviser prior to the conclave.  Recipients of the awards are recognized at the Lodge Winter Banquet in December.

Founders, Arrowman of the Year, Young and Old Arrows Award Form

Jack Stellar Award Form

Vigil Honor Nomination

The Vigil Honor is a high mark of distinction and recognition reserved for those Arrowmen who, by reason of exceptional service, personal effort, and unselfish interest have made distinguished contributions beyond the immediate responsibilities of their position or office.

The Vigil Honor Nomination is due to the Vigil Adviser and Lodge Adviser by November 20th of each year.

  2021 Vigil Honor Nomination Form


Registration for the 2024 National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) will be coming soon.  Once known, more details will become available here.  NOAC 2024 is being held at the University of Colorado Boulder from July 29th - August 3rd, 2024