Finance Committee

There are three finance related council committees.  The Council Finance Committee is responsible to the council president for building an organization capable of executing the council’s overall finance plan in support of the strategic plan by overseeing and ensuring the council’s fiscal capacity to provide a quality program for young people.  The Development Committee is responsible for executing the council’s overall development plan by raising the required operating funds to meet the annual council budget and capital funds for land and facilities. The Endowment Committee is responsible for the growth of the council’s endowment funds to ensure the ability of the council to provide a quality program for young people into the future.

Finance Committee Responsibilities

  1. Work closely with the Development and Endowment Committees

  2. Review Monthly Financials

  3. Development Annual Budget

  4. Annual Audit

  5. Ensure all Financial Obligations are met

  6. Advise the Executive Board regarding fiscal policies and procedures

For more information, please contact Jack Hess, Vice President for Finance at

Development Committee Responsibilities

  1. Give leadership to recruiting chairs for the fund development subcommittees. These include council annual campaigns and special events.

  2. Give direction to the fundraising programs of the council.

  3. Keep the executive board informed as to trends, responsibilities, and progress in the various facets of council funding in relation to the council’s needs.

For more information, please contact Michael Allen at

Endowment Committee Responsibilities

  1. Work with potential donors who wish to make major gifts.

  2. Educate potential donors about alternative methods of donating which best fit their needs.

  3. Monitor and administer the council's endowments with quarterly reports.

  4. Promote the creation of special-purpose endowments to supplement council needs

  5. Promote Janes E. West Awards

For more information, please contact Jim Mayo at