Camping and Properites Committee

The camping and outdoor program is an exciting and essential element of the Boy Scouts of America. Camping
and outdoor program activities will deliver adventure, challenge, teamwork opportunities, confidence building, fun, and other new and exciting experiences. Camping and outdoor program activities will lead to self-reliance, self-confidence, and leadership, and will enhance the traditional aims of Scouting: citizenship, character development, and mental and physical fitness consistent with the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Safe and successful camping and outdoor activities will entice youth to become members of the Scouting organization and benefit from its values and character-building activities.

The Mission

The Camping and Properties committee (CPC) of the Great Southwest Council is acritical leadership group entrusted with safely delivering the outdoor adventure that youth and adults expect and that lead to self-discovery and character development. The committee plans and oversees the council outdoor program and the facilities that are needed to support the program. Under the CPC’s leadership, all elements of the Scouting outdoor program collaborate to understand the market needs, develop relevant programs, and deploy facilities and resources to most effectively meet demands of increasingly diverse youth and adult populations. The national Scouting organization provides support for market analysis through Research and Innovation.

In addition, the CPC has the additional responsibility to to improve the appearance, functionality, sustainability, and value of Gorham Scout and the Cambell Scout Ranches. In cooperation with Great Southwest Council staff and other committees, CPC volunteers carry out initiatives in five main areas: Property Administration (plans, policies, budgets), Capital Construction (large building projects), Conservation (conservation plans and sustainability), Camp Improvement (maintenance, repairs, service projects, recruitment and coordination of volunteers), and Facilities Marketing (off-season Scout use and non-Scout rentals).

The dynamics of an adventure-oriented camping and outdoor program require expertise in several unique skill areas, including aquatics, shooting sports, high adventure, and COPE/climbing. The national Scouting organization provides support in these areas, and a number of councils have developed committees with local subject-matter experts who should be closely connected with, or part of, the camping and outdoor program committee. Other key resources that support camping and outdoor program are the council outdoor ethics advocate, who oversees Scouting’s Leave No Trace program, the Order of the Arrow lodge, and the conservation, health and safety, and risk management committees.

A number of Boy Scout publications support the work of the CPC, including the Strategic Planning for Council Camp Properties guide, the Camp Property Outdoor Program Analysis guide, the Guideline for the Disposition of Council Properties, the Boy Scout Strategic Planning guide, the Order of the Arrow Strategic Plan, the Boy Scout Handbook, and the Fieldbook.

The Camping and Properties meets Virtually monthly on the 2nd Monday at 7:00 PM. All interested Scouters are welcome!

For more information Contact: Greg Kelly, Vice President, Outdoor Programs


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